hi. my name is quinn or joey, but you can call me joey. or quinn. i dont care. my pronouns are it/he/they and im a genderless afro-merican who draws on all of their classwork and kisses men on the lips. as u can tell i like slipknot. got into them october 2022, ur gonna see a lot of terrifying masks on this site but you'll get used to it!! may even find them hot
ive also been learning html/css ever since october 2022, i used a premade layout made by the one and only and im still sorta piggyback riding off of its code.
im a big fan of splatoon. ive been playing since 2016 and have yet to stop splatting my toon. i think i have over 2500 collective hours? thats not a lot compared to most people who have played since the wii u game but as an excuse i broke my joycons twice and gained a hyperfixation on animal crossing in early 2020. i stopped playing splatoon 2 in 2019 and only started playing again in early-mid 2022... i forgot why lol. also octolings are better
also im S+ and in a competitive team now... shoutout to DEEP SEA METRO u guys are so real.

roblox and splatoon
two games that i have basically been playing throughout the second half of my childhood. lego-ish sandbox of a gaming software where anyone can make anything they want including emo avatars, and a funny squid octopus game where cephalopods shoot and kill eachother with body fluids and have swag.
jungle, drum and bass
two vary cool music genres where the drums go dbkdbkdkkckckgkgkk and the bass goes vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvBWAMMMmmm
what? i like it... its relaxing 2 me.
hate them. they suck. if i find one in my food i will kill the chef
phone notification sfx
i hate hearing them whether its my phone or someone elses. vibrate sweep
people who leave their phone on 100% volume 24/7
in example my entire family. especially when im trying to listen to whatevers on my phone or computer or tv and their phone is just loud as shit